

Being the most large-scale platform for exhibiting the latest security equipment, Securika Moscow International Exhibition creates a business space for fruitful dialogue between professionals — representatives of government authorities, law enforcement agencies, industrial enterprises, and non-state security structures.

Only at Securika Moscow your company will be able to present its products to a wide audience of security system installation professionals, representatives of wholesale and retail trade in security products, as well as specialists in the operation of security and fire protection equipment.

Participation in the security exhibition Securika Moscow will bring high commercial returns to Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of technical security equipment and equipment for security and fire protection.

The exhibitors of the 2024 exhibition were 316 companies from 8 countries.

Among exhibitors Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of video surveillance, access control, alarm and warning, fire protection and perimeter security: Beward, DSSL, Rubezh, Luis+, ARGUS-SPECTR, ITV, Satvision, SIGUR, Esmart, ISS, EVS, Hi-Tech Security, Pergam, KarneevSystems, PERCo, RusGuard, BLOCKPOST, TriviTech, Diagnostika-M, AAM-Systems, Modus-N, INFOMATIKA, TVINPRO, New Technologies, Key Guard, Escort Group, NVP Bolid, Rielta, Sokrat, Si-Nord, Unite, Imlight, Ritm, PERGAM, ST-Perimeter, Start-7, Stilsoft and many others.

Many new companies among the participants: ArsenalVideo, Electro Solutions (EKF), Prime Radar Technologies, FSUE Russian Broadcasting and Alerting Networks, ShvabeHolding, MTS, PJSC Device Plant TENZOR, SSS, ISB.A LLC and many others

More than 20 companies are back after a break: Ervist, BAS-IP, Amicom, ISTA-Technica, Relion, GK STA, Aipitronic, Nanosoftdevelopment, ELTIS Trading, BIC-Inform and many others.

Securika Moscow exhibitors
Benefits of participating in Securika Moscow

What are the advantages of participating in Securika Moscow?

During the 3 days of the International Security Systems Exhibition Securika Moscow 2025 you will be able to:

  • Expand the geography of product sales. In 2024 Securika Moscow was visited by 20,379 specialists from 22 countries and 81 Russian regions. 47% of guests are new visitors.
  • Increase equipment sales. 93% of visitors to the exhibition influence purchasing decisions for products presented at Securika Moscow, and 75% of specialists come to the event to find new equipment for their companies.
  • Meet with current customers. 80% of Securika Moscow exhibitors manage to communicate with existing customers and partners.
  • Meet people who can take your business to the next level. 64% of Securika Moscow visitors are the management staff of companies. As a result of participation in the exhibition, 51% of participants create from 50 to more than 300 business contacts.
  • Find new clients and partners. 56% of exhibitors find new clients and partners, and 37% of visitors come to Securika Moscow with the purpose of finding new suppliers. Moreover, 70% of specialists visit only Securika Moscow among events with similar themes.

About the activity profile of Securika Moscow visitors in numbers

At Securika Moscow, your company will be able to present its products and services to a wide audience of specialists. The share of unique visitors who come to the exhibition to search for new products, services, suppliers and to receive industry information is 83%.

  • 31% of specialists attending Securika Moscow are representatives of companies providing services for installation of security systems.
  • 17% of specialists represent companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade in security products.
  • 15% of visitors are engaged in production and provision of fire protection services.
  • 6% of visitors are employees of companies specialising in security activities.
  • 4% of specialists provide information security services.

State support for the Securika Moscow exhibition

Securika Moscow is held with the official support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Military-Industrial Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation Committee on Defence and Security, the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Department of Private Security of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, as well as the Russian Union.

Securika Moscow exhibitors
Benefits of participating in Securika Moscow

Feedback from exhibitors

"Securika Moscow is the central event of the year, the No. 1 specialized exhibition in Russia, which is so necessary especially in our time. This year, the exhibition pleased with a large number of exhibitors and visitors, large squares and a very friendly atmosphere. There are a lot of specialized companies and people interested in the products of manufacturers who are represented here. Our employees are busy every second. There is no such high-quality return as from Securika Moscow at any other event", – Roman Rysin, Head of Sales Department of BEWARD company (Russia).

"We made marketing research and consider Russian market have quite good potential. Our aim is to offer cost friendly and quality products for Russian customer. We have a good impression about exhibition. It is quite professional, a lot of top of brand players attend this event", – Terrel Lo, Overseas Marketing Manager, Shenzhen GwelltimesTechnology Co., Ltd (China).

"We are delighted to report that our expectations for this year have been fulfilled. We have welcomed partners and clients from Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, which is a significant development. In recent years, we have seen a concentration of activity in nearby regions. This year, we have also welcomed clients from the Far East, and we have seen a great deal of interest in our services from large organisations. For instance, EuroChemis a major private customer with numerous facilities that require extinguishing, just like ours. Furthermore, we have been in contact with "Rostelecom", "Vympelcom", and the "Presidential Administration". We are rebuilding our relationships and have initiated preliminary discussions on potential collaborations", – Olga Kucheryavenko, Chief Specialist of the Client Department at NPO PAS (Russia).

The 30th International Exposition of Security and Fire Safety Equipment and Technologies Securika Moscow will be held on
April 15–17, 2025
in Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 3, Hall 15.