This page contains the Exhibitor Manual – information manual and order forms for technical services.
All documents are in .pdf format and can be opened using Adobe programme.
Contains technical information about the upcoming exhibition, rules of installation works, terms of installation and other information that may be necessary in preparation for the exhibition.
Technical Services Order Forms is a document that automatically calculates the amount of selected services. To do this, you specify the required quantity of services against the desired service.
Technical services can be ordered in the following ways:
- Using our new service for ordering technical services TechStore. This service will be available after you receive a separate information letter about access to this service.
The website of the online portal is:
- By completing the technical services order forms, sending them in scanned and signed format to the address at the top of each form.
Technical orders must be submitted by 25 February 2025. Deadlines are provided on Form T (p.44).
For questions related to ordering technical services, please contact the technical manager of the exhibition:
Download application forms for suspensionsFor questions related to ordering suspended structures, please contact our technical manager:
According to the exhibitor’s contract, the first thing that the exhibitor should do is rent their exhibition space. In addition to space, the exhibitor could order the standard equipment package or the Premium equipment package. You can find description of these packages in our Technical services order forms.
If the exhibitor does not order the Standard equipment package or Premium equipment package, the exhibitor arranges the construction of the stand or places an order with a third party stand builder. In this case, please pay special attention to ITE Expo International LLC requirements for stand design and regulations concerning fire safety, electrical supply and plumbing, listed in the Information part of the manual.
The individual stand design should be approved by ITE Expo International LLC Technical Service Department. Individual stand projects are accepted by e-mail, not later than 1 month before installation.