Five reasons to exhibit Securika Moscow 2023

Securika Moscow is Russia’s largest exhibition dedicated to security and fire safety equipment and technologies
How will exit of foreign vendors affect the security of Russian companies? Will domestic developments be able to replace foreign solutions? Will sanctions increase the cost of infrastructure protection? Will the industry face a staff shortage caused by the withdrawal of specialists abroad?
To find the answers, visit Securika Moscow — Russia’s largest exhibition dedicated to security and fire safety equipment and technologies. The exposition formation continues, the event will be held on April 11-14, 2023 in Crocus Expo IEC.
1. Exhibitors of Securika Moscow are companies with proven reputation, domestic and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of video surveillance, access control, alarm and warning systems, firefighting and perimeter guard equipment.
At Securika Moscow 2023, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your products, goods and services in place of the players who have exited the market.
In April 2022, 190 domestic and foreign companies presented their products in five thematic areas. They included Beward, IDIS, Tachyon, Trassir, Speech Technology Centre Group, ITV Group, Rubezh Group, Satvision, Pergam, SIGUR, PERCo, Terralink, Ira-prom, Flamax, Pozhtehnika Group, OSK Group Holding, Wagner, ISP, NVP Bolid, Escort Group, Imlight, RIELTA, Unitest, Sokrat, Plazma-T, TEXHA, 3VTech, Start-7, ООО Okhrannaya Technika, Egoza, Prikladnaya Radiophizika (Applied Radiophysics), Fensys, Stilsoft, STC-group, and major trading houses: LUIS+, ARMO-Systems, Amicom, Vidos, STA+, Torus.

2. The industry’s leading event is attended by specialists in design and installation companies, end customers of security systems, telecommunications systems, information security systems, IT infrastructure, and other companies which activities are related to security.
Securika Moscow visitors are the target audience for your company, and they will come to the Exposition to see YOU.
82 % — target audience 63 % — top managers 57 % — new clients 92 % — contribute to decision-making

3. Business executives involved in procurement planning are among the visitors.
- 8 % of expert visitors make decisions on procurements at their sole discretion;
- 58 % of expert visitors coordinate decisions with other responsible persons in the company;
- 82 % came to the exhibition to find new products, services and suppliers and obtain industry-related information;
- 39 % of them visited the exhibition to search for products and services for their business;
- 34 % are representatives of companies with a procurement budget from RUB 20 million to over RUB 50 million.

4. Securika Moscow is an efficient business platform for attracting new customers interested in your products.
At the time of the market reconfiguration, it is extremely important to join the industry leaders at the event enabling high-quality promotion of your company, and make a statement on your updated strategy and range of services According to Securika Moscow 2022, the majority of visitors were interested in video surveillance, identification&access control and management, and burglar alarm systems.
- Video surveillance systems — 10,218 (69 %)
- Control and management systems — 9,300 (63 %)
- Burglar alarm systems — 8,309 (56 %)
- Fire alarm systems — 7,364 (50 %)
- Integrated systems — 6,763 (46 %)
- Smart House systems — 6,084 (41 %)
- Perimeter guard systems — 5,967 (41 %)
- Fire extinguishing equipment and systems — 5,559 (38 %)
- Electrical equipment — 4,927 (33 %)
- Information security — 4,064 (28 %)
- Theft detection systems — 3,073 (21 %)
- Search and screening equipment — 2,401 (16 %)
- Safes, locks, vaults — 1,903 (13 %)

5. Securika Moscow is a mirror of the industry, a reflection of the market situation and an opportunity to find new solutions, niches and distribution channels, growth options and promotion methods.
In 2022, Securika Moscow exhibition was visited by 16,998 industry experts from 79 regions of Russia and 30 countries, including 8,399 new specialists (57 % of the total number of visitors).
In the four days of Securika Moscow 2023 you will be able to examine the market and its trends, new types of requests made by potential customers, and your competitors’ products. The Expo visitors will give insight into new logistics and manufacturing solutions by clearly stating their commercial requests. Even though the range of activities of the companies represented by the visitors is quite diverse.
Break down of visitors by business profile
- 16 % — telecom/IT
- 13 % — construction
- 9 % — design
- 7 % — non-food product sales
- 6 % — financial/banking services
- 5 % — management in real estate/housing and public utilities
- 5 % — R&D
- 5 % — transport, logistics
- 4 % — machine engineering
- 4 % — oil & gas, power generation
- 2 % — food and beverage industry
- 2 % — food product sales
- 2 % — consulting
- 1 % — certification
- 1 % — hotel/accommodation facility
- 1 % — insurance